At Moodle we create software and services to support any education processes by using open source collaboration practices with educators, developers and researchers to improve the quality and efficiency of education globally.
Studiju kursa mērķis Studiju kursa mērķis apgūt čehu valodas un kultūras pamatus. Mācību kursā tiks pievērsta uzmanība visām četrām valodas prasmēm – lasīšanai, rakstīšanai, runāšanai un klausīšanās. Mācību mērķis ir visu prasmju apguve pamatlīmenī. Čehu valodas kurss ir cieši saistīts ar valsts kultūru un tradīcijām. Studiju rezultāti Sekmīgas kursa pabeigšanas gadījumā studentu spēs iepazīties, sasveicināties, uzdot vienkāršus jautājumus, runāt par laikapstākļiem, ģimeni, ēdienu, ceļošanu, hobijiem u. tml.
Vienkāršā veidā. Kursa beigās studenti būs spējīgi turpināt valoda apguvi nākamajā līmenī.
Studējošo patstāvīgā darba organizācijas veids Studentu patstāvīgais darbs ietver: ● regulāru studiju kursa vielas apgūšanu, izmantojot lekciju materiālus, mācību literatūru, interneta resursus; ● mājas darbu izpildi; ● gatavošanos kontroldarbiem un ieskaitei. Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits: 16 Studiju rezultātu vērtēšana Gala rezultātu veido: • Darbs nodarbībās 10%; • Kontroldarbi 50% • Ieskaite 40% • Skolotājs. Kursa mērķis Izkopt studentu krievu valodas prasmes un iemaņas komunikācijai sadzīves un biznesa vidē.
Studiju kursa saturs 1. Iepazīšanās un iepazīstināšana.
Valodas un valstis. Darb ības v ārds.
Vizītkartes (darba vieta, darbības virziens, profesija, ieņemamais amats u. Pārbaudes darbs. Īpašības vārdi. Ēdienu pasūtīšana.
Mana pilsēta un valsts. Teksta veidošana. Xforce keygen 64bits autocad 2013.
Klimats, laiks. Dzimšanas dienas. Pirmā iespaida nozīme (ārējais izskats u.tml.). Pārbaudes darbs. Sadzīv iskas sarunas pa telefonu. Jautājumi un atbildes.
Tehnika, izgudrojumi, zinātne. Kursa apkopojums, diskusija.
Pārbaudes darbs. The study course objective is to survey the development and construction of Spanish culture and civilization from pre-Roman times to the present, focusing on history, geography, art, politics, current social issues, and the significance of particular customs. Specifically, the course will examine the cultural threads of distinct identities that have been woven together throughout history to influence the character of contemporary Spanish society.
Far from viewing Spanish culture as a seamless entity, we will consider the conflicts between dominant and marginalized groups as crucial forces in the shaping of the Spanish identity. The course also addresses current relevant issues regarding politics, religion, economics, family values, gender roles, immigration or regional identities. The course’s goal is to analyze realities and articulate ideas related to Spain, and to consider what it means to be Spanish in the multicultural and multilingual situation of Europe today.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Built for learning, globally Proven and trusted worldwide Powering, Moodle is trusted by institutions and organisations large and small, including Shell, London School of Economics, State University of New York, Microsoft and the Open University. Moodle’s worldwide numbers of more than across both academic and enterprise level usage makes it the world’s most widely used learning platform. Designed to support both teaching and learning With over 10 years of development guided by, Moodle delivers a powerful set of learner-centric tools and collaborative learning environments that empower both teaching and learning. Easy to use A simple interface, drag-and-drop features, and along with ongoing usability improvements make Moodle easy to learn and use. Free with no licensing fees Moodle is provided freely as software, under the. Anyone can adapt, extend or modify Moodle for both commercial and non-commercial projects without any licensing fees and benefit from the cost-efficiencies, flexibility and other advantages of using Moodle.
Always up-to-date The Moodle project’s open-source approach means that Moodle is continually being reviewed and improved on to suit the current and evolving needs of its users. Moodle in your language Moodle’s capabilities ensure there are no linguistic limitations to learning online. The Moodle community has begun Moodle into more than 120 languages (and counting) so users can easily localise their Moodle site, along with plenty of resources, support and available in various languages.
All-in-one learning platform Moodle provides the most flexible tool-set to support both blended learning and 100% online courses. Configure Moodle by, and easily integrate everything needed for a course using its complete range of built-in features, including external collaborative tools such as,,. Highly flexible and fully customisable Because it is open-source, Moodle can be customised in any way and tailored to individual needs.
At Moodle we create software and services to support any education processes by using open source collaboration practices with educators, developers and researchers to improve the quality and efficiency of education globally.
Studiju kursa mērķis Studiju kursa mērķis apgūt čehu valodas un kultūras pamatus. Mācību kursā tiks pievērsta uzmanība visām četrām valodas prasmēm – lasīšanai, rakstīšanai, runāšanai un klausīšanās. Mācību mērķis ir visu prasmju apguve pamatlīmenī. Čehu valodas kurss ir cieši saistīts ar valsts kultūru un tradīcijām. Studiju rezultāti Sekmīgas kursa pabeigšanas gadījumā studentu spēs iepazīties, sasveicināties, uzdot vienkāršus jautājumus, runāt par laikapstākļiem, ģimeni, ēdienu, ceļošanu, hobijiem u. tml.
Vienkāršā veidā. Kursa beigās studenti būs spējīgi turpināt valoda apguvi nākamajā līmenī.
Studējošo patstāvīgā darba organizācijas veids Studentu patstāvīgais darbs ietver: ● regulāru studiju kursa vielas apgūšanu, izmantojot lekciju materiālus, mācību literatūru, interneta resursus; ● mājas darbu izpildi; ● gatavošanos kontroldarbiem un ieskaitei. Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits: 16 Studiju rezultātu vērtēšana Gala rezultātu veido: • Darbs nodarbībās 10%; • Kontroldarbi 50% • Ieskaite 40% • Skolotājs. Kursa mērķis Izkopt studentu krievu valodas prasmes un iemaņas komunikācijai sadzīves un biznesa vidē.
Studiju kursa saturs 1. Iepazīšanās un iepazīstināšana.
Valodas un valstis. Darb ības v ārds.
Vizītkartes (darba vieta, darbības virziens, profesija, ieņemamais amats u. Pārbaudes darbs. Īpašības vārdi. Ēdienu pasūtīšana.
Mana pilsēta un valsts. Teksta veidošana. Xforce keygen 64bits autocad 2013.
Klimats, laiks. Dzimšanas dienas. Pirmā iespaida nozīme (ārējais izskats u.tml.). Pārbaudes darbs. Sadzīv iskas sarunas pa telefonu. Jautājumi un atbildes.
Tehnika, izgudrojumi, zinātne. Kursa apkopojums, diskusija.
Pārbaudes darbs. The study course objective is to survey the development and construction of Spanish culture and civilization from pre-Roman times to the present, focusing on history, geography, art, politics, current social issues, and the significance of particular customs. Specifically, the course will examine the cultural threads of distinct identities that have been woven together throughout history to influence the character of contemporary Spanish society.
Far from viewing Spanish culture as a seamless entity, we will consider the conflicts between dominant and marginalized groups as crucial forces in the shaping of the Spanish identity. The course also addresses current relevant issues regarding politics, religion, economics, family values, gender roles, immigration or regional identities. The course’s goal is to analyze realities and articulate ideas related to Spain, and to consider what it means to be Spanish in the multicultural and multilingual situation of Europe today.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Built for learning, globally Proven and trusted worldwide Powering, Moodle is trusted by institutions and organisations large and small, including Shell, London School of Economics, State University of New York, Microsoft and the Open University. Moodle’s worldwide numbers of more than across both academic and enterprise level usage makes it the world’s most widely used learning platform. Designed to support both teaching and learning With over 10 years of development guided by, Moodle delivers a powerful set of learner-centric tools and collaborative learning environments that empower both teaching and learning. Easy to use A simple interface, drag-and-drop features, and along with ongoing usability improvements make Moodle easy to learn and use. Free with no licensing fees Moodle is provided freely as software, under the. Anyone can adapt, extend or modify Moodle for both commercial and non-commercial projects without any licensing fees and benefit from the cost-efficiencies, flexibility and other advantages of using Moodle.
Always up-to-date The Moodle project’s open-source approach means that Moodle is continually being reviewed and improved on to suit the current and evolving needs of its users. Moodle in your language Moodle’s capabilities ensure there are no linguistic limitations to learning online. The Moodle community has begun Moodle into more than 120 languages (and counting) so users can easily localise their Moodle site, along with plenty of resources, support and available in various languages.
All-in-one learning platform Moodle provides the most flexible tool-set to support both blended learning and 100% online courses. Configure Moodle by, and easily integrate everything needed for a course using its complete range of built-in features, including external collaborative tools such as,,. Highly flexible and fully customisable Because it is open-source, Moodle can be customised in any way and tailored to individual needs.
...">Moodle Gotovie Kursi(16.11.2018)At Moodle we create software and services to support any education processes by using open source collaboration practices with educators, developers and researchers to improve the quality and efficiency of education globally.
Studiju kursa mērķis Studiju kursa mērķis apgūt čehu valodas un kultūras pamatus. Mācību kursā tiks pievērsta uzmanība visām četrām valodas prasmēm – lasīšanai, rakstīšanai, runāšanai un klausīšanās. Mācību mērķis ir visu prasmju apguve pamatlīmenī. Čehu valodas kurss ir cieši saistīts ar valsts kultūru un tradīcijām. Studiju rezultāti Sekmīgas kursa pabeigšanas gadījumā studentu spēs iepazīties, sasveicināties, uzdot vienkāršus jautājumus, runāt par laikapstākļiem, ģimeni, ēdienu, ceļošanu, hobijiem u. tml.
Vienkāršā veidā. Kursa beigās studenti būs spējīgi turpināt valoda apguvi nākamajā līmenī.
Studējošo patstāvīgā darba organizācijas veids Studentu patstāvīgais darbs ietver: ● regulāru studiju kursa vielas apgūšanu, izmantojot lekciju materiālus, mācību literatūru, interneta resursus; ● mājas darbu izpildi; ● gatavošanos kontroldarbiem un ieskaitei. Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits: 16 Studiju rezultātu vērtēšana Gala rezultātu veido: • Darbs nodarbībās 10%; • Kontroldarbi 50% • Ieskaite 40% • Skolotājs. Kursa mērķis Izkopt studentu krievu valodas prasmes un iemaņas komunikācijai sadzīves un biznesa vidē.
Studiju kursa saturs 1. Iepazīšanās un iepazīstināšana.
Valodas un valstis. Darb ības v ārds.
Vizītkartes (darba vieta, darbības virziens, profesija, ieņemamais amats u. Pārbaudes darbs. Īpašības vārdi. Ēdienu pasūtīšana.
Mana pilsēta un valsts. Teksta veidošana. Xforce keygen 64bits autocad 2013.
Klimats, laiks. Dzimšanas dienas. Pirmā iespaida nozīme (ārējais izskats u.tml.). Pārbaudes darbs. Sadzīv iskas sarunas pa telefonu. Jautājumi un atbildes.
Tehnika, izgudrojumi, zinātne. Kursa apkopojums, diskusija.
Pārbaudes darbs. The study course objective is to survey the development and construction of Spanish culture and civilization from pre-Roman times to the present, focusing on history, geography, art, politics, current social issues, and the significance of particular customs. Specifically, the course will examine the cultural threads of distinct identities that have been woven together throughout history to influence the character of contemporary Spanish society.
Far from viewing Spanish culture as a seamless entity, we will consider the conflicts between dominant and marginalized groups as crucial forces in the shaping of the Spanish identity. The course also addresses current relevant issues regarding politics, religion, economics, family values, gender roles, immigration or regional identities. The course’s goal is to analyze realities and articulate ideas related to Spain, and to consider what it means to be Spanish in the multicultural and multilingual situation of Europe today.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Built for learning, globally Proven and trusted worldwide Powering, Moodle is trusted by institutions and organisations large and small, including Shell, London School of Economics, State University of New York, Microsoft and the Open University. Moodle’s worldwide numbers of more than across both academic and enterprise level usage makes it the world’s most widely used learning platform. Designed to support both teaching and learning With over 10 years of development guided by, Moodle delivers a powerful set of learner-centric tools and collaborative learning environments that empower both teaching and learning. Easy to use A simple interface, drag-and-drop features, and along with ongoing usability improvements make Moodle easy to learn and use. Free with no licensing fees Moodle is provided freely as software, under the. Anyone can adapt, extend or modify Moodle for both commercial and non-commercial projects without any licensing fees and benefit from the cost-efficiencies, flexibility and other advantages of using Moodle.
Always up-to-date The Moodle project’s open-source approach means that Moodle is continually being reviewed and improved on to suit the current and evolving needs of its users. Moodle in your language Moodle’s capabilities ensure there are no linguistic limitations to learning online. The Moodle community has begun Moodle into more than 120 languages (and counting) so users can easily localise their Moodle site, along with plenty of resources, support and available in various languages.
All-in-one learning platform Moodle provides the most flexible tool-set to support both blended learning and 100% online courses. Configure Moodle by, and easily integrate everything needed for a course using its complete range of built-in features, including external collaborative tools such as,,. Highly flexible and fully customisable Because it is open-source, Moodle can be customised in any way and tailored to individual needs.
...">Moodle Gotovie Kursi(16.11.2018)