Save Game For Marvel Ultimate Alliance Pc Game Rating: 8,4/10 1890 reviews
Save Game For Marvel Ultimate Alliance Pc Game

So, I recently began playing MUA1 on my Xbox 360 again. I'm trying to play the game from the VERY beggining. However, every time I begin a new game, all of my statistics from previous games are being carried over, and all of the locked characters (ie- Blade, Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer, Dr. Strange, etc.) are available. I chose 'Default Statics' after beginning a new game, but it's still carrying all of the previous stats and characters over. All I'm trying to do is start the game from the very beginning, without saved stats, powers, gear, or unlocked characters. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

My Documents Activision, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Save, date settings. Pinkish black razed to the ground rar cover. You can now start the game and load the save, so you will be able to unlock access.

Save Game For Marvel Ultimate Alliance Pc Game

So, I recently began playing MUA1 on my Xbox 360 again. I'm trying to play the game from the VERY beggining. However, every time I begin a new game, all of my statistics from previous games are being carried over, and all of the locked characters (ie- Blade, Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer, Dr. Strange, etc.) are available. I chose 'Default Statics' after beginning a new game, but it's still carrying all of the previous stats and characters over. All I'm trying to do is start the game from the very beginning, without saved stats, powers, gear, or unlocked characters. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

My Documents Activision, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Save, date settings. Pinkish black razed to the ground rar cover. You can now start the game and load the save, so you will be able to unlock access.

...">Save Game For Marvel Ultimate Alliance Pc Game(06.04.2019)